Calgary International Boys Choir Festival

Yes, I was in a Choir. The Saint John Rotary Junior Mens Ensemble....
Or the Young Mens Ensemble... it depends on who you ask...

One of our many stops - Stanley Fields? Maybe? Lots of horses anyway. And famous I guess.

Another famous locale - the Royal Tyrell Dinosaur Museum, in Drumheller.


Fun with cameras.

Yes, Peter in his hot cousin's bed.

"Who are you guys looking at?"
"That girl over there"
"Wow she's hot"
"She's Peter's cousin"



Climbing Sulphur Mountain

It's Annie again. Really! Her head may only be three pixels big at this resolution, but it's her.

Brent and Riley being really really stupid.

"Hey, it's an elk"
"Lets poke it"

Lake Louise

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