Orientation #1

These pics are from the first Rotary orientation we had the first week I got to
Japan. This is where I met all the other inbound students from other
countries, along with Rotary people and some past and future Japanese exchange students.

This is crazy Janelle from the States. Or America. Or USA. Or whatever you want to call it.


Anita's showing off her Yukata (I think that's how it's spelt...) just before we all go off to the "onsen". (That's Japanese for hot spring bath or some such thing.)


Here's Antia the Aussie and Jose Fernando, or just "Mexico", dramatically looking off into the distance.


Anita again! Well, after all, I guess by the end of the week it really became "our camera", and this was just one of the many times she took it. This time she took the picture of herself.

Timo from Germany in a typical pose. (Message Allie, because nobody else will understand: He's almost from The Weekenders!)

Lars (from Norway) and Mathilde (from France) looking cute together in the hotel somewhere.

Here's Jose sitting on Janelle for some inexplicable reason.

It's Cinerella! I don't really need to say more, but for those of you who don't know her, that's Suzanne from Holland.

Here's Timo, Suzanne, and Jose relaxign down by the water in Imari.

After we did our potter ceramic things (I wonder when we get those back?), we were set loose on the streets of the picturesque town.

Aaahh, the nice air conditioned shops. They're a nice place to hide in heat like that.

Jose, me, Janelle, and Mathilde out exploring the town. This almost looks like a postcard or something, doesn't it? That's just Anita's great photography skill, which I guess came from lots of practice on the camera.

Lounging about in the Hotel lobby. It felt like our living room by the end of the week.

Peace from Anita and Mathilde.

Best photo ever! You really had to be there, but you can probably tell by Anita's laughing that it was a good momment. It mainly focused around the ketchup, but I can't really explain.

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