Bio Park

This place was essentially a big zoo, but without any proper cages. In fact, there was
a llama and a couple parrots outside the main entrance. So it was kind of like a
petting-zoo, but with flamingos and monkeys and hippopotami. Well, we could pet the
hippos, but they were still there.

These are those parrots outside the entrance. I don't think there was really anything stopping them from flying away, except their wings were probably clipped or something. There were more inside, too, of blue and green varities.

The Flamingos pretty much had free reign of their part of the trail. Actually, I'm sure they would have been content to stay in the water, but people had food, so there they were. I feed a few myself, right out of the palm of my hand. My host mom did too, but she basically screamed everytime a flamingo went for her hand.

My host mom and one of the many llamas around.

A little goat thing. Ain't he cute? Note which side of the fence I'm taking the picture from :)


Ha! It's a Canada Goose! In a Japanese zoo! I love it!

Me feeding one of the llamas.

These animals were a bunch of lazy jerks. My host mom decided it would be funny to
put leaves on all their heads. After all, they were all too busy sleeping in the sun
or doing nothing to pay attention to us. Actually it was quite entertaining.

Actually cacti growing by the side of the trail. This isn't in some climate-controlled tropical dome, it's just outside somewhere.

Another lazy animal. The stupid rhino just lay there in the sun the whole time we were there to see him.

My host mom feeding a giraffe. There were two of them there and all they did was eat, eat, eat, eat. It wasn't hard with dozens of little kids shoving food in their faces.

This was when we were in the wallaby area. This particular one was being lazy, but it managed to lift it's head enough to get the food from my host mom's hand. There were some other guys jumping around like wallabies should.

Feeding a monkey! These guys were cool, swinging around the trees like monkeys do. One of them climbed onto some lady's arm while she was feeding him something, then tried to steal her drink.

Hungry hungry hippos! The zoo keeper guy would give everybody some cabbage, then signal to the hippo to open his mouth, and everybody would throw the cabbage in. Over and over. Then the zoo keeper just dumped the rest straight from his crate to the hippo.

My host mom sneaking into the turtle's territory! This guy was pretty much asleep, but he was awake enough to realize someone was being him, and he didn't enjoy his feet being tickled :)

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