Doing Pottery

My host mom took me, along with her friend and my host grandmom, to make some Japanese
style pottery instead of going to school one day d(^-^)b It was in a little shack behind
some guy's house, but he was really good and tried (somewhat unsuccessfully) to teach me
how to make various things.

This is where I first decided this guy was nuts. He's trying to teach me that, by suddenly raising my back and jerking my hands forward in a completely unrelated motion when molding the clay, I can make my mug "happy" and other people will see that my mug is happy and think it's art.

Look! I make a happy cup!

Sure, they say this is the stuff I made, but most of it is the stuff the teacher guy made while trying to teach me how to make happy pottery. Can you tell which ones are happier than the other ones?

See that thing on the right? He tried to tell me that was what a happy thing looks like. I guess I've never seen a happy thing before. The other two I completely made by myself (and by "completely" I mean "sort of, with the teacher's help")

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